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Abstract: Frequent calamities are causing huge losses and uncertainty to development. A well thought action plan for disaster management is the need of the hour and there should be sincere efforts to manage the problems of natural and man-made disaster. Against this background this paper is an attempt to discuss the meaning of disasters, their impact on human life and development, Sustainable Development and the idea of Disaster Risk Reduction and the objectives and challenges of disaster management. Nature has been an uncertain phenomenon causing huge human, environmental and economic losses by the events like earthquakes, floods, cyclone or even man-made calamities called disasters. Each disaster is capable of taking away the advancement made by mankind in a time frame of decades. So it important to understand issues related to disasters such as what is meant by the term disaster, factors responsible for them, the concept of disaster management, its objectives and challenges in national and international perspective, the development efforts integrating the concept of disaster risk reduction into development projects to have sustainable development. But India, with its geographical diversities, is a disaster prone nation. Its vast eastern coastline has been a regularly affected area from cyclone and tsunami. Himalayan belt is prone to landslide and cloud bursts, Uttarkashi and Kedarnath Valley tragedies cannot be ignored easily and so is the annual phenomenon of floods by the Ganga, Brahmpurta and allied rivers. Bhopal gas tragedy is still fresh in our minds. All these frequent calamities cause huge losses and uncertainty to development. A well thought action plan for disaster management is the need of the hour and there should be sincere efforts to manage the problems of natural and man-made disaster. Against this background this paper is an attempt to discuss the meaning of disasters, their impact on human life and development, Sustainable Development and the idea of Disaster Risk Reduction and the objectives and challenges of disaster management. 

Keywords –Disaster Management concept, Objectives & Principles, National & International Approach.

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