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I was moved to embark on this research in an attempt to have an insight into event management and Tourism Development and Promotion in Nigeria: A Comparative Assessment of Abuja Carnival of 2011 and 2012. This research work is divided into five (5) chapters and sub-chapters. Chapter one deals on introduction of the topic, the reason for the research, the objectives of carrying out the research and methods used in carrying out the research. Also the significance of the research to the community, governments, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, tourism developer and stakeholders were discussed. The limitations definition and clarification of concepts such as event, event management, tourism, tourism development promotion and development were discussed. Chapter two has to do with literature review which comprises theoretical literature, empirical literature and theoretical orientation. Theoretical literature is all about theories used and they include Systems theory and functionalism. Empirical literature is the view of different authors a regards to the topic understudy. Theoretical literature is the application of theories in the work. Chapter three come the background information of the Abuja. Also geographical location, historical background of Abuja, climate and vegetation, history of Abuja carnival and venues for the various events were discussed in details in this chapter. Chapter four come the data presentation and analysis. Those that participated at the carnival, activities at the Abuja carnival were also mentioned. Those that manage this event were equally discussed and they include Abuja Carnival Management Committee (CCMC), Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), National Orientation Agency (NOA), Abuja Environmental Protection Board to mention a few. Those who support these events were equally discussed. There are problems that faced the staging of this mega event in Nigeria and solutions to the problem were discussed in details. Comparative assessment of the Abuja carnival of 2011 and 2012 were equally mentioned. The impacts of the carnival to the host community and tourism development were discussed. Ways by which these mega events in Nigeria were promoted and the role of private sector and its impact were discussed. Finally, recommendation summary and conclusion were discussed in chapter five.


Title page    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        i

Approval page       –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        ii

Certification –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        iiii

Dedication   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        iv

Acknowledgement          –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        v

Preface        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        vi

List of Figures–    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        viii

List of Tables        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        ix

List of Plates         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        x

Table of Contents –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        xiv

Chapter One: Introduction      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        1

Statement of Problem –        –        –        –        –        –        –        2

Research Questions –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        3

Research Objectives – –        –        –        –        –        –        –        4

Research Methodology –        –        –        –        –        –        –        4

Research Scope – – –        –        –        –        –        –        –        5

Significance of Study – – –        –        –        –        –        –        5

Limitations of the Study    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        6

Definition and Clarification of Concepts          –        —       –        –        -7

1.8.1 Event –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        7

1.8.2 Event Managements –       –        –        –        –        –        –        –        8

1.8.3 Tourism –     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        8

1.8.4 Tourism Development –    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        9

1.8.5 Promotion –  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        10

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Literature          –        –        –        –        –        —       –        12

2.1.1 Systems Theory      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        12

2.1.2 Functionalism Theory      —       –        –        –        –        –        –        13

2.2 Empirical Literature –                  –        –        –        –        –        –        16

2.2.1 Event Management and Event-  –        –        –        –        –        –        16

2.2.2 Categories of Event-        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        17

2.2.3 Generic Event Tourism Theory- –        –        –        –        –        –        21

2.2.4 Sports Event and Tourism –        –        –        –        –        –        –        24

2.3 Theoretical Orientation       –        –        –        –        –        –        –        30

Chapter Three: Background Information

3.1 Geographical Location of Abuja-  –        –        –        –        –        –        32

3.2 Historical Background of Abuja-  –        –        –        –        –        –        34

3.3 Climate and Vegetation of Abuja- –        –        –        –        –        –        36

3.4 History of Abuja Carnival-  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        37

3.5 Venues for the Various Events-    –        –        –        –        –        –        40

Chapter Four: Data Presentation and Analysis

Participation and activities at these Carnivals

4.1 Participation at the Carnival –        –        –        –        –        –        –        46

4.2 Activities at the Abuja Carnival of 2011 –         –        –        –        –        46

4.3 Activities at the Abuja Carnival of 2012. –        –        –        –        –        59

4.4 Management of Abuja Carnival of 2011 and 2012–   –        –        –        79

4.5 Problems facing the staging of Abuja Carnival in 2011 and 2012. –           83

4.6 Comparative Assessment of the Abuja Carnival of 2011 and 2012- –        86

4.7 Solutions to the problems facing the Staging/management of the

Carnival– –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –       – –        98

4.8 Impact of the Carnival on the host Community and Tourism

Development in    Nigeria — –        –        –        –        –        –    –   –        99

4.9 Promotion strategies of Abuja Carnival of 2011 and 2011 — –        –        103

4.10 The role and impact of private sector agencies on Abuja carnival–        105

Chapter Five: Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1 Summary —     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        108

5.2 Recommendations–  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        109

5.3 Conclusion —   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        111

References—         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        112

Appendices –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        117



Events are important motivator of tourism, and figure prominently in the development and marketing plans of most destinations. The roles and impacts of planned events within tourism have been well documented, and are of increasing importance for destination competitiveness. Yet, it was only a few decades ago that event tourism became established in both tourism industry and in the research community, so that subsequent growth of this sector can only be described as spectacular (Getz, 2008).

Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of festivals, events and conferences. Event management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event. .       Equally, event management is a fast growing professional field in which tourists constitute a potential market for planned events, and tourism industry has become a vital stakeholder in their success and attractiveness. Similarly, events have other important role to play, from community building to urban renewal, cultural development to fostering national identities – tourism is not the only partner or proponent (Getz, 2008).

It is in the light of the above that this work seeks to illuminate the event management and tourism development and promotion angles of Abuja carnival. This is one of the famous and attractive annual national festivals in Nigeria that involves domestic, regional and international tourists.

The Abuja carnival is a street carnival of arts and culture which takes place annually in the heart of the Abuja municipality and last for four days. It is believed to be the largest street carnival and culture of its kind in the world. Since inception, the street carnival of arts and culture has attracted over 2 million people to the streets of Abuja municipal at various points of spectacular inter-carnival activities. The Abuja carnival is a creative occasion showcasing Nigeria’s unique heritages of history, culture and modernity to the world. It is the whole of Nigeria   presented through the eyes of the city of Abuja, the heart and mind of Nigeria. This national carnival involves the thirty-six (36) States of the Federation, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, and the private sectors from different parts of the world to elaborately grace the event.

The features of Abuja Carnival include cultural displays of history, people, cuisine, fashion, art and culture of Nigeria. With over 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria has a vast cultural diversity with an added flavour of modernity. Notably, Nigeria is the largest black nation on earth with a population of over 140 million people. Nigeria is also the 9th largest market for products and services in the world. Together with massive carnival spectator presence and the massive media coverage, the Abuja Carnival provides opportunities for effective and focused promotional and marketing initiative for companies (

This work highlights Abuja carnival as a major event in Nigeria and how it can be managed and promoted in order to attract more tourist flow in the country as well as impact more positively on local communities/traditions. All these activities attract states of the federation and also foreign visitors to Nigeria.

Statement of the Problem

Abuja Carnival is an annual event in Nigeria that involves many participants or contingents from different parts of the globe. This was planned to promote national unity and cultural integration among the heterogeneous people of Nigeria, but as at now, the reverse is the case, because of different difficulties in the areas of planning and management. The following issues now draw the attention of the researcher to this event.

Abuja Carnival as an annual national event has not been effectively and efficiently planned and managed for tourism development in Nigeria.

Despite the various activities and resources scheduled for this event, it has been discovered that there is no comprehensive documentation for future references. In this case, there is lack of transparency and accountability before, during and after the programme.

There are inadequate professionals to handle the event; because most of those involved in the planning are not into event management or tourism development.

There is inadequate disbursement of fund by Federal government to the organizers and other resources for proper preparation. Most of the resources needed to tackle the problems of accommodation, transportation, security, attractions and human are not sufficient.

1.2 Research Questions

Having appreciated the above problems, the following questions readily come to mind:

Who are the organizers and how effectively are they managing the carnivals?

What was the level of participation between 2011 and 2012 carnivals?

Do we have enough activities that can attract a huge number of tourists?

Can the carnival help to impact on the life of people and generate tourism development in Nigeria?

Is Abuja carnival properly funded and promoted?

What are the problems facing the staging of this carnival?

1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are as follows

To examine the levels of participation of various states of the Federation at the carnival.

To identify the venues for the various events

To evaluate the local tourism products and foreign tourism demand to the carnival.

To study how Abuja carnival as event has been managed in order to aid tourism development and promotion in Nigeria.

To assess the problem facing the staging of this carnival in 2011 and 2012.

To show how Abuja carnival has impacted on the host community

1.4 Research Methodology

The research is qualitative in nature and researcher made use of ethnographic study. The various methods that were used for sourcing information in this research are:

The primary source – Primary data are collected specifically for research at hand and the most common data collection methods are surveys and interviews. In order to acquire information on the event management and tourism development and promotion on Abuja Carnival, in-depth interviews which is semi structured, using interview guide (see appendix I) were conducted with the representatives of Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Abuja Carnival Committee Office and Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC). Tape recorder field note and photographs were also used to document interview and responses.

The secondary Sources – The secondary sources of data collection was also used. Secondary data here consists of literature both published and unpublished materials that was used to build up the theoretical framework. Information was also retrieved from the home pages of the Ministry and Carnival Office, journals, magazines and newspaper. Visual materials was also used such as maps, pictures that help people understand, learn or remember information. Information derived from secondary sources was used to supplement data collected from primary sources.

1.5 Research Scope

Abuja Carnival started in 2005 and continues till 2011 and 2012. But in this research it is only limited to 2011 and 2012 Abuja Carnival. The topic was chosen because they are the current editions and to know the direction, trends and features of the Abuja Carnival of 2011 and 2012.  This research is aimed at finding the levels of participation of various states of the Federation at the Carnival and to evaluate the Local tourism product and foreign tourism demands to the Carnival.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research will be of immense value for understanding event management and tourism development and promotion in Nigeria. It will serve as an eye opener and lead to more researches on carnivals/ cultural celebrations and its contributions to tourism development and promotion.

Significantly, this research work will offer a frame work for problem solving and analysis in event management and tourism development and motivate those who seek to make their career in the area to be aware of their social responsibility.

This project will also help the host communities to appreciate events in their environment and support tourism promotion and development. They would be enlightened more on how to conserve and preserve their heritage in order to enhance their tourism values.

Moreover, it will benefit the government and stakeholders who are entrusted with tourism development and enable them to brace up to their responsibilities, especially the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation. Tourism developers and stakeholders will also use the information generated on this study to market the tourism product of this country.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Research works are most often surrounded by a lot of hindrances, which impede the progress of this research. As a result this work suffered some set backs such as finance, paucity of written materials, time, transportation, and distance.

The first constraint however was paucity of written materials on event management since only little has been written on it. So, going round looking for related materials on event management posed a lot of hitches to this research. Also at the ministry of culture, Tourism and National Orientation, the researcher found it difficult to get information since there is no proper documentation of Abuja Carnival right from the inception of this Carnival.

Secondly, finance is another problem the researcher encountered, since several trips were made to Abuja from the researcher’s base. Also going round the city of Abuja from Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation to Abuja Carnival Committee office cost a lot of money. Several trips were made to these ministries.

Thirdly, time is another problem encountered. The researcher in the course of writing this project spent a lot of time sourcing for materials for the project because during the course of writing it, strike interrupted and lasted from months thereby it took a long time for the completion of the work.

Fourthly, distance is order of the day in this research work. Traveling from Nsukka to Abuja and from Abuja to Nsukka is quite a long journey. Because of the fairness of Abuja, the researcher spent some weeks trying to elicit information.

Furthermore, transportation cost also posed a lot of problem to the researcher. The cost of traveling from Nsukka to Abuja is N2500 and equally from Abuja to Nsukka is N2500, in fact the researcher spent about five thousand naira (N5,000) for just a single trip not to talk of the ones spent going round the city from one Ministry after another.

Finally, most of my respondent did not allow the researcher to snap with them especially those at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation.

1.8 Definition and clarification of concepts

1.8.1 Event

Okoli (2007) defines an event as a planned public or social occasion, often important, interesting and memorable. It is usually a joyous occasion and, indeed a celebration. According to him, event is all about people: people coming together to create, operate and participate in an experience. Anderson and Weslan (2002) observe that though events contain tangible elements, such as food, beverages or other products sold or given away, they are essentially services in that they consist of intangible experiences of finite duration within a temporary managed atmosphere. The term, event is used for describing different activities for different purposes. These activities include arts, sports, tourism and social activities. According to Beridge (2007), in his own contribution described event as a unique moment in time and aside from everyday occurrence. Event can therefore, be described as a themed public function or celebration which extends leisure and social interaction beyond everyday experiences and choices. Events generally are social public activities though some are strictly religious and academic.

1.8.2 Event Management

Getz (2008), defines event management as the applied field of study and area of professional practice devoted to the design, production, and management of planned events, encompassing festivals and other celebrations, entertainments, recreation, political and state, scientific, sport and arts events, those in the domain of and corporate affairs (including meetings, conventions, fairs, and exhibitions), and those in the private domains including cites of passage such as weddings and parties, and social events for affinity groups.

Okoli (2007) defines event management as the making of an event and the way in which an organization handles event. It may includes formulation of the event objectives, scheduling, assigning roles and responsibilities, processes and technologies involved, identification and analysis of critical success factors, events standards and procedures. He also sees event management as fragmented into catering services, venue management including hall decoration, video and photo coverage, protocol (including ushering master of ceremony, MC, and the public addressing system). However, the core professionals go the whole hig of planning and organizing the entire event and are designed as event managers.

1.8.3 Tourism

Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outsides their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purpose not related to the place visited. Also a visitor can be seen as any person traveling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than twelve months and whose main purpose of trips is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited (Wall & Mathieson, 2006: 14).

According to Okpoko and Okpoko (2002:20) tourism can be seen as the temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally lives and work, and activities during their stay at these destinations. It includes movement for all purpose as well as day visit or excursion. However, tourism has two main characteristics:

That travelers concerned mean to return home after a comparatively short time, and

That money they spend is money derived from home not earned in the places visited.

Dieke (2006:54) defined tourism as all travel that result in one or more nights being spent away from home. The purpose of the travel according to him follows the United Nations statistical commissions’ definition which encompassed leisure, business and other reason (e.g. VFR-Visiting of Friends and Relatives).

1.8.4 Tourism Development

Tourism development can be viewed as improvement in tourism products and services and their exploitation, social, economic and ecological well being of the society (Okpoko, 2006). Therefore tourism development hinges on the availability of tourism products and services.

Neto (2003) sees tourism development as the establishments of valuable infrastructure in conjunction with the improvement in social life that can attract other industries, thereby acting as a stimulus for regional and economic development.

Tourism development according to Cooper et al (1999:8) can be approached from three points of view the sociological, psychological and social economics.  From the psychological point of view he suggests that the bases of tourism development will be to satisfy the yearnings of those seeking culture and environmental differences from their norms. From the sociological point of view, tourism development is motivated by the desire to find a common meeting place with the people of diverse culture. From the socio-economic point of view, tourism facilities are developed to offer employment to people thus empowering them and giving them a sense of fulfillment.

Dieke (2006) sees tourism development as a two way thing (1) the way in which tourism is developed, (2) the nature of tourism activities.  It is pertinent to note that a successful tourism development is the one in which the attraction serves as facility for both resident and visitors. Tourism development is the improvement or harnessing of the tourism resources of a destination and their eventual utilization for the benefit of the tourist and the host community.

1.8.5 Promotion

Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the products and persuade target customers to buy it (Kotter et al, 2010:510-511).

In the words of Cooper et al (1993), promotion is the descriptive term for the mix of communication activities which tourism companies, or tourist boards, carryout in order to influence those publics on whom their sales depend. The important of groups which need to be influenced are simply the target market group of current and potential customers. They also asserted that there is need also to influence trade contracts such as retail agents and suppliers as well as opinion formers such as journalists and travel writers. Even local, national and international politicians and important professional groups may need to be influenced. An important part of promotional efforts is the building of brand and product awareness. Other ways, includes advertising and sales promotion, pubic relations, personal selling, and direct marketing.

According to Ekechukwu (2006:20), promotion usually provides target audience with all the accurate information they need to help them take decisions to a particular destination/ side. The information should be accurate and timely and should not be misrepresented so as to satisfy the customers and create a positive image in a destination. To effectively and efficiently market Nigerian tourism, he admits that a number of promotional methods can be used. These include the use of mass media such as the television, radio, newspaper, internet and magazine.


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