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The Research work was carried out to investigate the proximate analysis of assessing youth participating in agriculture: Ughelli South Local Government Area, Delta State. Thus, ten (10) communities were selected using descriptive non probability research design. A sample of 200 respondents was selected from the ten (10) Local Government Areas of Delta state gotten from six (6) Kingdoms that made up Ughelli South. The information from the respondents were analysed and interpreted using tabular method percentage of R/N=100/1 in part A of personal information of the respondent while part B was analysed using mean (X) with a cut off mean point of 3.00 items in each research question were accepted when it is 3.00 and above mean point and rejected when it is below cut off mean point of

3.00. The major finding is that 70% of farmers in Ughelli South were of the age group into subsistence farming.



Background of Study

It is clear that Ughelli south local government area during the British colonial rule sustain its economy using agriculture as a tool whereby 70% of the populations engage in subsistence farming (Aweto, 1992). Over the years, some changes occurred of which led to the neglect of youth participation in agriculture, a situation which ought not to exist in an Ecosystem richly endowed with natural ingredient for agricultural productivity.

Agriculture is one of the most viable sectors particularly in terms of its employment potentials. Borrowing a quote from George Washington, “I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its bread of useful animals and other branches of a husbandman’s areas”.It is the foundation for the development of stable human communities, both in rural and urban communities. It provides

environmental benefits such as conservation, guaranteed sustainable management of renewable natural resources and preserved biodiversity (Preshstore, 2013). The agricultural sector is strategically positioned to have a high multiplier and linkage effect on any nation’s quest for socio economic and industrial development. Unfortunately, Nigeria agricultural is bedeviled with several challenges such as lack of access to markets and credits, low level of technology especially mechanization, inadequate post-harvest infrastructure (storage, processing and transport), low uptake of research findings by stakeholders and limited availability of improved technology packages especially planting materials and certified seed (ministry of Agriculture, 2017). This has made agriculture unattractive and non-lucrative resulting in decline in the number of youths participating in agriculture (Muhammed Lawal, Omotoesho and Falola, 2009). According to Aphunv and Aweto (2010), in Nigeria, farming population is aging. It is practically impossible for this age generation dominating agricultural sector to deliver the expected productivity to meet food needs of the ever growing population. Agriculture has huge and diverse opportunities potentials that can not only transform the national economy but also, tremendous impact on the personal lives of the farmer, particularly the youths. Ovwigho and Ifie (2009) posited that, Nigeria youth have the potentials to promote agriculture but most of them are not interested in agricultural activities.

Before now, the youth were fully involved in agriculture by assisting their parents at the farm. The youth diverse agricultural engagement included land clearing, Stumping, planting, fertilizer application, weeding, collection of fodder, clearing of pens. The type of agriculture practiced in the Paleolithic and Neolithic age was on small scale of agriculture which deals with crop production and livestock production on a small piece of land without using advanced or expensive technologies. This type of farming is usually characterized by intensive labour and in most cases, animal traction, limited use of agro-chemicals and supply to the local or surrounding market while the large scale commercial agriculture plays a dual role of been a source of household food security as well as income from scale of sum plus. Economically, small scale agriculture enhances local economic development as it is a source of employment and keeps most of the income local as the market is predominantly localized, especially in traditional land. The produce is first meant to feed the household thereby contributing to food security.

The farmers usually grow tree crops especially rubber (heveabrasilliensis) pure in order to generate income. Produce in the farm (field) include cassava (manihotesculeta) while guinea yam (dioscorarotundata), water yam (dioscora alata),   plantain/banana   (musa   spp),   cocoyam   (colocasiaesculanta)   and

groundnut (arachis hypogea). These crops are usually intercropped with three or

more crops grown on the same field. Farm to be cultivated are cleared in December/January and the cut slash of cleared vegetation is allowed to dry before being burnt. The ash released by the burnt slashed vegetation releases potassium, calcium and phosphorus into the soil thereby giving the planted crops a head start at the inception of the growing season. Crops such as yam, cassava and maize are planted before the outset of the wet season but Sometimes, after the first rain in February or March. Maize is usually harvested after four (4) months while yam and cassava takes longer time to mature.

The two (2) most important cash crops producedare rubber and oil palm; both of which are tolerant to acidic sandy soils. Rubber is the most widely grown crop with 50 % of arable crop under rubber production. These rubber trees are sold to wood timbers for a large amount of money. They cut the wood into logs for easy transportation and sold to those who use wood as fuel, building, and furniture. Although oil palm tree is one of the indigenous trees in the forest zone of West Africa, the tree usually grows wild and is protected by the farmer in sites.

Sustainability of farm youth participation in agricultural development cannot be over emphasized as they have been in the farm, socialized into farming and found to have developed adequate ruggedness suitable for farming right from tender age. Youth participation in agriculture is very important because they have the potentials to contribute actively and productively in all significant aspect of agriculture which include crop production, livestock rearing and fish production. The female has been found to be more engaged in agricultural production than the male counterparts who are more involved in processing of woods and selling of commodities produced also by the male folk.

But lately, the euphoricfeelings of which the youth have in participating in agriculture have fallen, leaving farming for the aged people.


Youth participation in agriculture has remained a problem. farmer has been unfortunately stereotyped as one who is poor, wear tattered cloths and is always in the bush, in the sun and in the rain. Majority of the food crops and cash crop is produced by the aged men and women in the rural communities using crude technologies. This happen when crude oil was discovered and exodus of young people from agriculture moved to the cities in search of white collar jobs.

In the course of crude oil exploration various materials were also released into the environment such as Benzes and poly-nuclear aromatic hydro carbon on oil and water bodies. The toxicity of the adversely affect the soil, plants, animals and water resources. According to Mike (2012), during exploration and exploitation of oil, rural communities have the first rural destruction of farmlands, vegetation and pollution of streams. The problem associated with oil exploitation as summarized by Olojoba(2009) includes; pollution, environmental degradation, damage of farm produce, loss of farmlands and economic hardship amongst others.

Majority of the youth in the rural has the highest neglect of farming. They see it as pathetic and generally describe as “old”. A profession left for the “tired” “retired” and the “jobless”. It is becoming now increasingly difficult to get food on the table for the common man. In recognition of this, ,drastic steps need to be taken to integrate the physically and mentally active individual in the revitalization of the agricultural sector. Consequently, the age men and women who are less energetic with low innovations are left in the rural areas to carryout productive agricultural activities. Their inefficient and unproductiveness constitute a bane to agricultural development.

Therefore, poor perspective of agriculture has led to an exodus of youth to urban areas. This situation is further fueled by the attitude of rural youths pertaining activities and their inclination to pseudo jobs (Ghadini, 2003). Omani (2000) noted that job security and good living conditions attract the youth to urban areas. This integration increases leading to problem in the urban area by overcrowding population, inadequate distribution of resources and a heavy challenges encountered by the youth such as; poverty and low income, youth have low self-esteem (Samendic et al, 2000). The low self-esteem associated with youth increases the negative perception they have about agriculture, leading to non-participation. Similarly, Outley (2008) posted that, parenting and social status act as barrier to youth pursuing careers agriculture, as well as lack of information. The researcher seeks to state the problems broadly in the terms of what will happen to agriculture in Ughelli-South Local Government Area when the aged people participating in agriculture are gone (death)? This will lead to food insecurity, scarcity of food, inflation of commodities and migration will be the talk of the day in search for food.

All these must be taken into consideration by the government governing the affairs of the states, by the Okobaro (kings) governing the affairs of the clans and by the community executives governing the affairs of the communities that makes up the kingdom or else, the Ecosystem would be like a desert where there is no food which will lead to starvation, increase in death rate or in the case that happened in the Bible whereby parent killing their children as meat. It will not be nice to be part of such phase. Something must be done to bring back our youths into the mother occupation that gave birth to all other careers in the whole world. Man is a living being and when there is life, there must be something to keep it

living. Food is very vital to life.

The problems going to militate Ughelli South, when the youth are not participating in agriculture cannot be over emphasized. According to Ovwigho(2000), new problems behavior was being found daily in addition to old ones. Therefore, the attitude needs have to be taken into consideration.

1.3               PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

Today, in Ughelli South Local Government Area, most of the young men and women will sign and walk away at the mention of the word “farm” and “Farm jobs”. Agriculture is not only farming by the poor but a business. This implies that the modern farmers should use less of the input to produce more output or products. In other words, he must be able to manage his resources – land, labour and capital most efficiently such that production cost is minimized. He must be able to evaluate risk, keep farm records, combat problems efficiently and make intelligent and material decisions so as to make more profit (Egbule, 2016).

The researcher purpose of the study is to determine how the youth in Ughelli South Local Government Area will perceive and efficiently participate in agricultural activities.

Specifically, the study will focus on the following state of objectives;

To investigate the areas of farmer’s participation in agriculture in Ughelli South Local Government

To identify the rural activities that the youth participate in various communities that makes up Ughelli South Local Government

To make known the role of government in agricultural development in Ughelli South Local Government Area.

To examine the factors militating against youths’ involvement in

To ascertain the attitude of youth leaders in agricultural development

To make policy recommendation that will increase the quantity and quality of agricultural

1.4                       RESEARCH QUESTION

Food security occurs or exists when all people at all-time have physical, economic and sustainable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life (FAO, 2006, world bank, 1998). According to Egbule 2016, these sources identifies four (4) pillars of food security as follows; food availability, food access, food utilization and food stability. Food availability comes mainly through feed production, storage of inputs and access food, by having income to buy it or the financial resources to grow it to the required quantity. When a nation is food secured, her citizen feels happy and safe from danger and worries. A short fall in the minimum production will results in individuals being unsafe, unhappy and vulnerable to danger of malnutrition, violence, pugnacious act. Onwere (1994) observed as follows;

A man who goes without food for 24hours must quarrel, one who is denied food for 48hours must steal and one who is who is without food for 72hours will fight.

The researcher seeks to bring out these questions in copious to the solution for the youth to participate in agricultural activities in ughelli south local government area delta state.

What are the areas of farmer’s participation in agriculture in ughelli south local government area?

What are the rural activities that the youth participate in the various communities that makes up the ughelli south local government area?

What are the roles of government in agricultural development in ughelli

south local government area?

What are the factors militating against youth involvement in agriculture?

What are the attitudes of youth leaders in agricultural development intervention?

What are the policy recommendations that will increase the quality and quantity of agricultural produce?

1.5                       RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS

The study is designed to focus on the youth participation in agriculture in ughelli south local government area in delta state. The following null hypothesis have been stated (Ho) below;

Ho1: there is no significant difference between the areas of farmer’s participation in agriculture and them not participating in agriculture in ughelli south local government area.

Ho2: there is no significant relationship between the rural activities that the youth participates in various communities that makes up the ughelli south local government area and their participation in agriculture.

Ho3: there is no significant difference between the role of government in

agricultural development and not involving them in agricultural development in ughelli south local government area.

Ho4: there is no significant difference between the factors militating against youth involvement in agriculture and them not participating in agricultural activities.

Ho5: there is no relationship between the attitude of youth leaders in agricultural development intervention and the youth involvement in agricultural development intervention.

Ho6: there is no significant difference between the policy recommendation and no recommendation that will increase the quantity and quality of agricultural produce.

1.6                       SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

The outcome of the study will awaken the awareness of government governing the affairs of the state,Okobaro (king) governing the affairs of the clan in Ughelli- South and the Executives, ruling the affairs of the communities on “youth participation in agriculture” and successful ways of eliminating the problems.

It is also believed that the result of the findings and recommendation would motivates the youth to give a serious thought to the progress and development of agricultural productivity to be enhanced both in quality and quantity. The government will also benefit immensely from the study because the recommendation will of help to the National Economy growth.

The study will encourage our youth to be more interested in the programme of agriculture to adopt the new innovation and save them from their burden so as to enhance successful agricultural output to raise their standard of living.

In all, the result of this study will serve as a source of information for the present and future development in agriculture to all countries, states, clans and communities all around the continent (World).

1.7                       SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY

The study area, Ughelli South Local Government Area Delta State is located in the South-South geo-political zone of Niger Deltaregion of Nigeria having six (6) kingdoms. One of which is Effurun-Otor having itsOkobaro (king) as chief Duko II Second. The second kingdom is Olomu having its Okobaro as Owhode of Olomukingdom known as chief Ogbor from Iwru-Oghoni. This clan has fourtheen

(14) communities that make up Olomu kingdom. The third of it is ughievwen kingdom having its okobaro as Owawha II second EdiniIgbie His Royal Majesty of Ughievwen kingdom. This clan has thirty-one (31) communities that make up that kingdom. The fourth one is Eghwukingdom having its okobaro as Onanesa OgagaOkporUfuoma II first of Eghwu kingdom. The fifth clan is Arhavwanrien kingdom, having its Okobaro as the Ovie ofArhavwanrien Solomon AkporhiereOkukeren III His Royal Majesty and lastly the Okparebe kingdom. The research revolves around the youth participation in agriculture, their occupation and ways of living.

1.8                            OPERATIONAL TERMS

The researcher in the course of the research used certain operational concepts which may be too technical and difficult for a lay man to understand. He/she needs to define these concepts and terms so that the report is more clearly understood. In doing this, the concepts are alphabetically arranged.

“Agripreneur” is a farmer who has the willingness and ability to manipulate human and natural resources in agriculture to yield anticipated

“Clan” came into existence at the onset of british colonial rule in Urhobo land in the beginning decades of the 20th century (1894-1899).

Exodus means

Field is also another word or name as

“His Royal Highness” was the expression used by his majesty in 1979 as author of urhobo kingdom.

“kingdom” is the current rival of “clan”. It was first applied to the special case of Okpe by Onigu of Otite in his 1969 P.h.D thesis fin London

Neolithic means the new age

Ovie and Okobaro is the Urhobo word for king

Paleothic age mean the old age or stone age

The origin of the new usage “kingdom” has been traced to HRH Adiara III Andy Omoknis (1997) as Urhobo


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