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The study was carried out on the influence of Teacher’s Effectiveness on Academic performance of the secondary schools Home Economics Students in Edo State, Nigeria. The study had two research questions, and two hypothesis. Correlational research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised all public secondary school students in Edo South, Target, population was secondary school students, offering Home Economics (SSSI) in Edo South, the sample size of this study consist of three hundred and Eighty four students, using random sampling techniques. The instrument used for this study were questionnaire and Achievement test. The questionnaire were given to secondary schools teachers while Achievement test were given to the students. The instrument were face and content validated by two expert from vocational and technical Education, University of Benin. The validated instrument  were tested using pearson product moment of correlation which yielded reliability coefficient of 0.83. the data for the study were analyzed using pearson product moment correlation coefficient and fisher –Z. the study revealed that, there is significant relationship between teachers effectiveness and academic performance. Teachers effectiveness improve academic performance. The study also revealed that, there is a significant difference in the relationship  between teacher’s effectiveness and academic performance of students in urban and rural areas. The study therefore, recommend among others that Government  should motivate  teacher’s to work effectively  in  area  of  attractive salary and provision of adequate learning and teaching resources.

Success in Education is measured by academic performance, Government, parents and societies at large care about academic performance, because good academic results provide more career choices and job opportunities for an individual. 

Poor academic performance of students has been linked to poor teacher’s performance in terms of accomplishing the teaching task poor habits and negative attitude to work (Ofoegbu Cited in Akiri and Ugborugho, 2009). Teacher effectiveness is the collection of characteristics, competencies and behaviours of teachers at all educational levels that enables students to reach desired outcomes. Such as, attainment of specific learning objectives as well as a broader goals which will enable them to solve problems, become effective citizens and think critically (Hunt, 2009).

Conditions that will make effective teaching in Nigeria are very poor such as resources available to teachers, instructional materials in public schools, and general conditions of infrastructure (Akiri&Ugborugbo, 2009). 

Lack of resource materials for teaching, low pay, overload of teaching schedule can result to direct effect on teachers ability to perform and ineffectiveness. (Bojuwole, 1997).

Adeyemo(2005) cited in Asikhia (2000) reviewed that no profession in Nigeria has suffered reversal of fortune than teaching which has affected the commitment expected of the teachers. This indicates that the quality of service rendered by an unmotivated teacher could affect academic performance of students. Most educated people move from rural to urban area due to lack of amenities, poor infrastructure, they prefer working in urban areas than rural areas. Canadian council on learning, 2006 also find out in their work that small rural schools filled their vacancies with younger, less experienced teachers. These young teacher is face with a number of hindrances to effective teaching. They are often burdened with heavy work loads, teaching courses in four or five different subject areas, some of which fall outside of their teaching specialties. There is a significant difference of Home Economic teacher interest on the teaching of Home Economics secondary school students in urban and rural areas, also teachers emotional and attitude towards work differs from schools in rural and urban areas, teacher’s punctuality is also different from schools in urban and rural areas. Etsey (2005) explained that availability and use of teaching learning materials  affect the effectiveness of a teacher’s lessons. The creative use of a variety of media increases the probability that the student would learn more, retain better, what they learn and improve their performance on the skills that they are expected to develop. There are different types of variables that contributed to teacher’s effectiveness, such as students characteristic and behaviours which include health and nutrition, age of entry into school, socioeconomic status, support from parents and siblings; etc, school and teacher characteristic and behavior, school characteristic such as infrastructure, materials and textbooks, class size, peer group, school climate and the amount of time in the school day and year. Vegas and Petrow (2008) cited in Hunt (2009) teacher characteristics such as experience, knowledge and motivation. Also, Organization factors, such as,  National assessment, teacher’s salaries, technical assistance, teacher’s union involvement and curriculum.

Abdulahi and Onasanya (2014) who carried out a study on effect of teacher effectiveness on Kwaren state secondary school students achievement revealed that statistically significant relationships existed among student’s academic achievement and teachers effectiveness. Akiri and Ugborugbo (2009) carried out a study to determined the influence of teacher classroom effectiveness on students academic performance in public secondary schools in Delta State, Nigeria, His findings revealed that effective teachers produced better performing students. Olaleye (2011) also carried out study on teachers characteristics as predicator of academic of student in secondary schools in Osun State Nigeria, revealed that there is significant, relationship between teachers characteristics on students academic performance. 

KEYWORDS, Teachers, Effectiveness, Urban and Rural Area, Academic performance,


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