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Cultism is a major vice which is common in Higher Education Institutions in Nigeria today. The study examines menace of secret cults in the Nigerian higher education institutions and proffers some solutions for curbing this monster. Cultism itself according to history, started for a good cause but over time, its purpose and modus operandi has changed. The existence of cultism and cults in our universities poses continuous threat to life and peaceful co-existence. In spite of drastic measures and laws against membership of campus cults, cultism continues to assume a major social menace and a serious obstacle to peace and harmony in many tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Cultism is defined as the practices or activities of a group of people with one common spiritual, religious or philosophical belief. Whereas cult groups and activities were purpose oriented at the initial stage; they have become destructive and violent in the recent past. The menace has attracted the concern of stakeholders within and outside the educational institutions. Its increasing negative impacts on education evidently manifest in the disruption of academic activities, destruction of school infrastructural facilities and loss of lives calls for investigation and drastic measures to eradicate cultism. It was against this backdrop that this work examined the possible causes and consequences of cultism in Nigerian higher education institutions and the approaches to be adopted to totally eliminate cultism. The study found out that some of the causes of cultism include: influence of peer group, parental background, societal moral decadence, erosion of educational standards, lack of recreational facilities, overzealous quest for power and protection among others. The study also observed that some of the aftermaths of cultism include: loss of lives and properties, disruption of academic activities and depletion of youth population. The study recommends that all the stakeholders and government should be more aggressive in their approach to eradication of cultism in the tertiary institutions.

Keywords: cult, cultism, secret cult, societal moral decadence, higher education institution.

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