- Without ………. words he accused him directly of treachery.
A. amending B. modifying C. mixing D. mincing E. minimizing
- They tried to cash in the people ignorance A. under B. on
C. against D. with E. at
- Always remember to ……….. the lights before leaving the room A. put on B. put off C. switch off D. blow out E. remove
- I am disappointed the ways you conducted yourself at the party. A. by B. for C. due D. in E. at
- The proprietors should be blamed for such a deplorable condition in the nursery schools ……….. A. isn’t it B.
shouldn’t they C. should they D. is it E. wouldn’t they
- Do you mind ………. another minute or two? A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. being waited F. waits
- It had been raining before the match started……….. A. isn’t it
- hasn’t it C. hadn’t it D. wasn’t it E. haven’t it
- Mary goes to school ………. bus A. in B. on C. with D. of E. by
- The plane overshot the ……… a minor accident A. read B. hanger C. runway D. tarmac F. railway
- Journalists always collect and publish ……….. A. information B. informations C. an information D. much information E.
every information
- A micrometer is defined as one millioneth of a millimeter. A length of 12,000 micrometer may be represented as? A.
0.00012M B. 0.0000012M C. 0.000012M D. 0.00000012M F.
- Factorize 3x3 + 4x2 – l3x + 6 completely, given that x – is a factor.
A. (x – 1)(x – 3)(x + 2) B. (x – l)(x +3)(x -2) C (x 1)(x +3)(3x -2) D.
(x – 1)(x + 3)(3x -2) 2. (x – lXx – 3)(x + 2)
- If the price of oranges was raised by ½k per orange, the number of oranges a customer can buy for N2.40 will be less by
16. what is the price of an orange? A. 21/2 k B. 31/2k C. 51/2k
D. 20k 2. 25k
Find all real numbers x which satisfies the inequality 1/3(x + 1) 1 > 1/5(x + 4). A. x < 11 B. x<-1 C. x>6 D. x> 11 E.x>-6
- 7 pupils of average age 12 years leave a class of 25 pupils average age l4years. If 6 new pupils of average age 11 years join the class, what is the average age of the pupils now in the class? A. 13 years
- 12 years 11/2 months C. 13 years 5 months
D. 13 years 10 months E. 13 years 71/2 months
- Given a regular hexagon, calculate each interior angle of the hexagon A. 60° B. 120° C.45° 0.135° 2.140°
- Without using tables solve the equation: 8x2 = 2/5. A. 4 B. 6 C. 8
D. 10 E. 12
- A student measures a piece of rope and found that it was 1
.26m long. If the actual length of the rope is I .25m, what was the percentage error in the measurement? A. 0.40% B. 0.01%
C. 0.25% 0.0.89% 2.0.80%
- Express the product of 0.21 and 0.34 in standard form A. 7.14
x 10-3 B. 7.14 x 10-1 C. 7.14 x10-2 D.7.14 x 10-4 E 7.14 x 10-5
- If 5, 8, 6 and 2 occur with frequencies 3, 2, 4 and 1 respectively, find the product of the modal and median number A. 36 B. 48
C. 30 0.40 2. None of the above
- A plant which grows on another plant without apparent harm to the host plant is called A. a parasite B. an epiphyte
C. a saprophyte D. a predator E. a hermaphrodite
- Which of these types of skeleton is most appropriate to the cockroach? A. hydrostatic skeleton B. exoskeleton C.
endoskeleton D. cartilaginous skeleton E. bony skeleton
- Which of these is not true of the insect? The possession of A. two pairs of antennae B. jointed appendages C. exoskeleton D. three pairs of legs E. segmented body
- All living things A. photosynthesis B. respire C. move D. transpire E. feed
- A secchi disc is used in the determination of A. rainfall B. tides C. waves D. turbidity E. current velocity
- Which of the following is not an excretory product? A. urine
- sweat C. feaces D. salts E. carbon dioxide
- Which of the following organs produce bile? A. gall bladder B. pancreas C. spleen D. liver E. stomach
- Which of the following food substances is digested in the stomach? A. carbohydrates B. fats and oil C. fats and proteins
D. proteins E. carbohydrates and fats
- For pollination and fruit formation, the essential part(s) of the flower should be the A. corolla B. ovary C. pistil (gynoecium’s)
D. ovules E. receptacle
- Which part of the human brain is concerned with reflexes controlling the rate of heart beat and breathing? A. medulla
- cerebrum C. cerebellum 0. pineal body E. olfactory lobe
- Which of the following is not a consequence of a force filed? A. weight B. surface tension C. gravitational pull D. magnetic force E. electric force
- Which of the following is used to determine the relative density of the acid in a car battery? A. hypsometer B. hygrometer C. manometer D. hydrometer E. nanometer
- The motion of the prongs of sounding tuning fork is? A. random
- translational C. rotational D. vibration E. vibratory and rotational
- A simple microscope forms an image twice the size of an object If the focal length of the lens of microscope is 29cm, how far is the object from the lens? A. 10m B. 20m C. 30m 0. 40m E. 60m
- An avocado fruit drops from the top of a tree 45m tall. How long does it take to reach the ground? A. 3.Os B. 4.5s C. 6.Os
D. 8.6s E. 9.Os
- Which of the following is a scalar quantity? A. momentum
- Acceleration C. displacement D. Distance E. force
- A ball bearing is gently released from rest and allowed to fall through a viscous fluid. Which of the following statements about the motion is correct? A. its acceleration decreases before terminal velocity is attained B. when terminal velocity is attained the acceleration of the fluid becomes zero C. its velocity increases before terminal velocity is attained D. there is no resultant force on the ball before it attains terminal velocity
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- When the vapour of a substance is in equilibrium with its own B. oxygen and chlorine C. chlorine and water 0. sodium
liquid, it is said to be A. gaseous B. unsaturated C. saturated amalgam and chlorine E. sodium hydroxide and water
D. diffused E. liquefied 45. When starch undergoes complete enzyme-catalysed hydrolysis,
- A man standing between two parallel mirrors in a barbers shop the resulting product is A. glucose 8. maltose C. sucrose 0.
will see the following number of his own image A. eight B. two fructose E. cellulose
- four D. one 2. Infinite 46. Compounds that have the same molecular formular but different
- If the wave length of a wave traveling with a velocity of 360m/s is structures are said to be A. allotropic B. polymorphic
60cm, the period of the wave is A. 6s B. 3.5s C. 0.17s 0. 0.61s C. polymeric D. isomeric E. isotropic
E. 3s 47. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in
3 3
- 120cm of hydrogen were sparked with 60cm of oxygen at the shell having the principal quantum number 3 is A. 3 B. 9
110°c. what was the volume of steam produced? The equation C. 10 0. 18 E. 32
for the reaction is: 2H2(g) + O2(g) ——- 2H2O(g) A. 30cm B. 60cm 48. The following acids are non-basic except A. methanoic acid B.
- 90cm D. 120cm E. 150cm dioxinotrate iN acid C. ethanedoic D. oxochlorate I add E.
- Catalytic hydrogenation of oils results in the production of hydrobromic acid
A. soaps B. detergents C. alkanes 0. margarine 2. Butter 49. What is the quantity of electricity produced when a current of 43. Which of the following compounds will undergo 0.5A is passed for 5 hours 45 mins? (F = 96500C). A. 0.11F B.
additional reaction? A. ethyne B. butane C. pentane D. 0.12F C. O.22F D. 1.IF E. 2.2F
ethanol E. tetrachioromethane 50. Which of the following pH values is likely to be that
44. The products of the electrolysis of dilute sodium chloride close slightly alkaline system? A.2 B.5 C.! D.8 E.13
solution with platinum electrodes are A. hydrogen and oxygen
1.A | 2.C | 3.C | 4.E | 5.B | 6.C | 7.C | 8.E | 9.C | 10.A |
11.C | 12.D | 13. B | 14.D | 15.D | 16.B | 17.A | 18.E | 19.C | 20E |
21.B | 22.B | 23.A | 24.E | 25.D | 26.C | 27.D | 28.C | 29.C | 30.A |
31.B | 32.D | 33.D | 34.** | 35.A | 36.D | 37.C | 38.C | 39.E | 40. N/A |
41.D | 42.D | 43.A | 44.A | 45.A | 46.D | 47.D | 48.C | 49.C | 50.D |